Monday, August 19, 2013

The Need for the Renewable Fuel Standard

Senator Chuck Grassley has defended the Renewable Fuel Standard to make the case that biofuels have succeeded in environmental, economic and national security gains.
"During the past 30 years, we’ve witnessed tremendous growth in the renewable biofuel industry. It has developed from almost non-existent in 1980 to a significant contributor to our transportation fuel today.

Because of the success of America’s biofuel producers, renewable fuels now account for ten percent of our nation’s transportation fuel supply.  
Homegrown biofuels are extending our fuel supply and lowering prices at the pump for consumers. 
 Biofuels are reducing our dependence on finite fossil fuels. They keep more money at home rather than sending it to Persian Gulf countries that may wish to do us harm. 
 And, it’s primarily due to the success of the Renewable Fuel Standard."

Source: Sen. Grassley


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