Thursday, August 29, 2013

McDonald's Behind Missing Wings

You may remember that we alerted you earlier this year to the National Chicken Council's chicken-crap filled press release blaming higher chicken wing prices on the back of ethanol.

They conveniently ignored higher energy, marketing and profit costs.

They distorted the actual use of ethanol to slant their story.

And they timed their clucky release to scare consumers buying chicken wings for the Super Bowl.

That's a crappy thing to do.

It was a chicken crap story then and remains so today.

But new revelations show that there was another major reason for higher chicken costs this year.

Apparently, McDonald's has been hording chicken for their new national release of chicken wings.

According to this report in The Week,
To prepare for the tsunami of chicken wings, McDonald's has probably been stockpiling them for 18 months, analyst Nick Setyan told Vanessa Wong at Bloomberg Businessweek.
The national roll out of chicken wings at McDonald's is expected to be a winner with over 250 million wings sold in the first few weeks alone.

That demand, bundled with skyrocketing fuel costs, can explain the higher costs.

Source: The Week, "is McDonald's to blame for last year's chicken wing shortage?"


Food and Fuel
Good and Balanced Food and Fuel News!

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Need for the Renewable Fuel Standard

Senator Chuck Grassley has defended the Renewable Fuel Standard to make the case that biofuels have succeeded in environmental, economic and national security gains.
"During the past 30 years, we’ve witnessed tremendous growth in the renewable biofuel industry. It has developed from almost non-existent in 1980 to a significant contributor to our transportation fuel today.

Because of the success of America’s biofuel producers, renewable fuels now account for ten percent of our nation’s transportation fuel supply.  
Homegrown biofuels are extending our fuel supply and lowering prices at the pump for consumers. 
 Biofuels are reducing our dependence on finite fossil fuels. They keep more money at home rather than sending it to Persian Gulf countries that may wish to do us harm. 
 And, it’s primarily due to the success of the Renewable Fuel Standard."

Source: Sen. Grassley


Food and Fuel
Good and Balanced Food and Fuel News!

Monday, August 5, 2013

RFS Hasn't Hurt the Poultry Industry

Great article in The Hill newspaper today regarding the poultry industry and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).

After laying out the facts amid the false claims of the poultry industry, the authors concludes:
The facts presented by the poultry and livestock industry simply don’t add up. The only sensible conclusion is that they want to turn back a successful policy so that they can profit from cheap feed paid for in part by the American taxpayer. The arguments of the livestock industry are irresponsible and unfounded. They do not provide a sound rationale to support repeal or modification of the Renewable Fuel Standard. 

Source: The Hill


Food and Fuel
Good and Balanced Food and Fuel News!