Apparently, Chipotle hasn't had that Jedi PR lesson yet.
And so the Burrito War has begun.
Chipotle restaurants recently ran a promotion for the anti-ag film, Food Inc. It's a slanted film that ignores the reality of a growing and hungry world. We'll have a full review soon on our site.
Chipotle wanted to appear all green and sustainable so they sponsored free screenings of the movie around the country.
Yeah for the giant food chain who promotes reduced food and unsustainable food production for the USA and the world. Can't we all just have a few chickens and pigs in our backyward to feed ourselves? Or better yet, just only eat vegetable we can grow ourselves?
But there's at least one group who takes issue with the company's current purchasing practices.
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The Coalition for Immokalee Workers (CIW) is a community-based organization of mainly Latino, Mayan Indian and Haitian immigrants working in low-wage jobs throughout the state of Florida.
They're wondering why Chipotle is ignoring the plight of farm workers. In a recent letter to Chipotle's CEO, Steve Ellis, CIW wrote:
We view the CIW’s struggle for dignity as a non-negotiable part of the struggle for a sustainable food system. Therefore, we strongly urge you to enter into an agreement with this worker-led organization that has been fighting tirelessly to improve conditions in tomato country since 1993. As you know, the Florida Tomato Growers Exchange has acted to block the penny-per-pound raise agreed to by McDonald's, Yum Brands, Burger King and others, by threatening to fine any grower who cooperates with the buyers and the CIW. The extra penny paid out by these companies now sits in an escrow account, and workers in the fields continue making the same dismal wage. The growers clearly fear the power tomato pickers have galvanized through the efforts of the CIW and Chipotle's refusal to sign an agreement with the CIW only bolsters the growers’ intransigence.
And they've decided to crash Chipotle's PR Burrito party. Check out their online update HERE.
We guess the "Farce" is with Chipotle!
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