They will be answer questions concerning high oil and gas prices, excess profits, and resistance to alternative fuels .
What would you ask?
Why are gas prices so high? What are they doing to help Americans? Why are we so dependent upon foreign oil?
Post your comments below.
- Oil Executives to Testify to Congress
- Labor Dept: Energy Costs Fueling Inflation
- Amazing Oil Brings Higher Costs to Many Things
Food and Fuel
Good and Balanced Food and Fuel News!
Since we get 15% to 20% of our oil from Canada and about half of Canada's oil production comes from oil sands, I would ask how that is going to the effect greenhouse gas emissions of our fuel. It is estimated that oil sands production produces 3 times the ghg emissions of convention oil recovery techniques and the refining of oil sands oil is estimated to produce about 15% more ghg emissions.
Also since oil sands production involves strip mining large sections of forest I would ask when a land use study is going to done to access how those actions are effecting the environment.
A new energy balance study taking into account the increased use of oil sands oil would also be nice.
The CEO of Exxon said their profits are inline with other industries. What other industries are reporting $123 Billion in profits???
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