Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Big Food's Big Lobby Lobbies Big Time

GMA Grocery Manufacturers Association
Big Food's Big Lobby, the Grocery Manufacturers Association, continues its funding to undermine America's move to cleaner and more secure domestic renewable fuels.

In recent lobbying disclosure reports for the first quarter of 2009, GMA spent $720,000.00 to lobby the US Government on a variety of issues.  

A big component of this recently disclosed activity was GMA's  lobbying against ethanol to the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

And this total doesn't include the individual lobbying reports of the leading companies of the association.  Or their allies at the American Petroleum Institute.  Millions of dollars continue to pour into DC to keep America tied to dirty foreign oil.

But this is all far from surprising.  Last year we reported that the GMA launched an all out stealth attack against domestic biofuels.  Why?  Because American farmers were an easy target and an acceptable scapegoat for rising food prices.

But the attacks didn't go unnoticed. And months after global commodity prices have sharply fallen, retail food prices remain high and the profits at the big food companies remain even higher.

America needs clean, renewable biofuels like ethanol.  And fleecing American consumers with higher food prices to lobby against energy independence is no way to win loyal consumers.

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