Sunday, September 16, 2007

Get the Most Out of Food and Fuel

Web visits to Food and Fuel have been fantastic especially over the past 90 days. Since our initial launch earlier this year, we've had tens of thousands of visitors. We have posted nearly 150 articles on issues regarding food and fuel. And the best part has been that many of you have taken the good news about renewable fuels and used it in the ongoing discussions of food and fuel.

Since our launch, we've added several new site features. Check them out in the right-hand-column of the site:

Today's Top Articles - The top three most read articles are listed in the top right-hand column. Read what others think are the day's top articles on Food and Fuel

Most Read Articles - The top ten list of articles lets visitors read the articles which are the most all-time popular on the site.

RSS Feed - Food and Fuel is available as a RSS feed with components for easy addition to customized iGoogle page and to My YAHOO. Use the links in the right-hand column to subscribe.
Search - The new Customized Google search will search the site. Use the link in the right-hand column to enter your search text.

Archives - The archives section displays every article title available. It too is in the right-hand column.

Subscribe via Email - Visitors can receive updates whenever Food and Fuel is updated.

Poll - Each month a different poll question is available for site users. Be Sure to let your vote count (we promise no hanging chads are here!).

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