Sunday, April 13, 2008

News Round-Up - April 13, 2008

headline news food and fuelA few news headlines were worth mentioning this week.

Author Robert Zubrin calls for flexible fuel option on all new cars in speech at Baker College -, April 12, 2008

Author Robert Zubrin says the first step to breaking the United States' growing dependence on foreign oil is to require that all new vehicles sold in the U.S. have the flexible fuel option.

Don't Blame Ethanol - USA Today, April 11, 2008

High corn prices impact a lot of industries. But those who blame high prices on ethanol production are wrong. It's high oil prices that are driving up farmers' corn costs ("Crop report hints at volatile 2008," Money, April 1). - Toni Nuernberg, executive director, Ethanol Promotion and Information Council - Omaha

Texas A&M report clears corn from food price inflation - Brownfield Radio Network - April 11, 2008

The U.S. ethanol industry is facing challenging times. In part because of ethanol industry demand, corn prices have hit all-time highs. That has led ethanol's critics to blame biofuels for global food price inflation. But a new report from Texas A&M's Agricultural Policy and Research Center confirms sky-high petroleum costs are at the heart of higher food costs.

Wisconsin Corn Growers Spreading the News About Ethanol - Wisconsin Ag Connection - 04/08/2008

Wisconsin corn growers are teaming up with the Milwaukee Brewers and taking to the fields early this spring in order to spread news about the many benefits of ethanol.

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