Tuesday, October 9, 2007

New Logo to Promote Ethanol in Illinois

Motorists in Illinois will soon find it easier to identify fuel pumps that dispense cleaner-burner, renewable ethanol.

The Illinois Corn Marketing Board is working with the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council, the American Lung Association of Illinois and the Illinois Petroleum Marketers Association to introduce a voluntary statewide brand initiative for ethanol fuel including E10 (10% ethanol-enriched fuel) and E85 (85% ethanol and 15% unleaded gasoline).

According to a spokesman from the Corn Marketing Board:
“Illinois is ethanol country and consumers want to support the product. E10 is already widely available but this branding program will make it easier for the public to find ethanol products and make them feel good about their fuel choice. As E85 fuel and flexible fuel vehicles become more readily available we also hope their good experience with 10% blends will result in continued customer loyalty.”
Illinois has labeled E10 pumps with plain, black and white stickers for years; however, the new pump labels are brighter and will offer a higher profile.

Source: Illinois Corn Marketing Board

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