Some key points worth pointing out:
- He reviewed the article, entitled “Ethanol Can Contribute to Energy and Environment Goals,” [Science]
- The scientists of this article cited several published studies with only the Pimentel and Patzel showing negative data.
- The study reported that current ethanol produced from conventionally grown corn produces slightly fewer greenhouse gases than using gasoline, but the production of ethanol requires much less petroleum inputs.
- Renewable fuel factors into U.S. energy policy in three ways: 1) reduction of greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming; 2) independence from foreign oil; and 3) use of water in the processing/ manufacturing of ethanol.
The Science report puts current ethanol production as a positive net equivalency.
Finally he concludes that "Sitting on the sidelines will not work as we move through the greatest paradigm shift of our century — seeking energy with a reduced carbon footprint. With no action, renewable energy will have ownership in other continents like Europe and Asia."
- Economist Explains that Higher Food Costs are Caused by Higher Energy Costs
- How Much Corn is Actually Represented in Meat?
- Net Energy of Ethanol - Report Resources
Food and Fuel
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