Sunday, December 9, 2007

Transportation Costs Tough on Dairy and Pork Producers

The main stream media is often quick to pounce on sensational headlines but rarely looks a little deeper at the details behind them. Oh, there'll be a pundit or two. Rarely do they get the facts from real people in the field. That's been painfully true over the food and fuel debate this past year.

Farm and Ranch Guide published an article covering the recent joint 2007 North Dakota Dairy and Pork Producers Convention. The entire article is worth reading for more details.

But we found a few key comments from active producers and industry experts worth mentioning because they show in stark contrast what's been missing from the media concerning the drivers of food costs:
"He said one of the biggest issues in the dairy business is transportation. Taking the milk out and bringing products in are becoming increasingly expensive with the escalating fuel costs."
Also J.W. Schroeder, NDSU Extension dairy specialist, stated that transportation was one of the biggest issues in the dairy industry today.
"Schroeder said transportation costs average 78 cents per hundredweight, the highest in the marketing region and 28 cents above the average for seven other Midwestern states."
So the next time you read an article that lays all food cost increases at the feet of hard-working American farmers, you can bet they didn't talk to anyone who knows what's really going on.

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