Sunday, March 23, 2008

Food and Fuel Trivia Quiz, March 23, 2008

food vs fuel debate cantaloupe recallFood and Fuel in The News
Weekly Trivia Quiz, March 23, 2008

How good are you at Food and Fuel trivia for the week? Try our new weekly trivia quiz. Answers and scoring below the questions. Post your scores in the comments. Good luck!

1. Who blamed the American Petroleum Institute (API) for the Food and Fuel debate?

2. After increasing prices higher, which giant food company's profits soared 61%?

3. This week, are gas prices a) 20 cents, b) 50 cents or c) 70 cents HIGHER than last year?

4. Big Oil's trade group spent how much lobbying the federal govt. in 2007? a) $1 million b) $3 million c) $4 million?

5. The Labor department released the PPI inflation numbers this week. How high did energy prices increase?

6. What % of an orange is left over from making orange juice and is available for "oranges to ethanol"?

7. When will Americans start receiving their "Gas Rebate" checks to stimulate the economy?

8. Food maker giants argue they should do what about food safety scares? a) do nothing b) react c) not overreact?

9. How many Americans in agriculture support 301 million Americans?

10. Which ethanol critic now appears to state that ethanol is net positive for fossil fuel energy? a) Lester Brown b) C. Ford Runge c) David Pimentel?


Earn 10 points for each correct answer.

100 points : Food and Fuel Champ
80-90 points : Great! Keep it up.
60-70 points : Good, but you can do better.
10 - 50 points : Need to visit the site more often
0 points : Are you working for Big Oil?


1. Vinod Khosla
2. General Mills
3. c) 70 cents
4. c) $4 million
5. .8 %
6. 50%
7. May 2008
8. c) not overreact
9. 21 million
10. c) David Pimentel

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