Thursday, March 20, 2008

American Agriculture. Bigger Than You Think

Ag Day Agriculture Food Feed Fiber Fuel Bigger than you thinkToday, March 20, is the first day of spring. And it's also National Ag Day!

So go out and party, well, like it's National Ag Day!

The Ag Council of America recently unveiled the new "Food/Fiber/Biofuel Chain" poster with the message, "Agriculture. Bigger than you think."

The poster shows all of the industries involved in the production, processing, and distribution of feeding, clothing and fueling the American consumer.

In total, 21 million people in the U.S. are now employed to support the 301 million consumers in the country.
  • Download the "Food/Fiber/Biofuel Chain" poster HERE (pdf)
  • Download the Crops and Livestock Values HERE (pdf)
Source: National AgDay

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