Friday, March 28, 2008

New Research Shows No E. Coli Link

Kansas State University research beef dried distillers grains E. coliRemember all of the hoopla a few months ago that ethanol somehow caused E. coli in beef?

Well a new study (pdf) produced by the same researchers at Kansas State University shows no correlation between feeding distillers dried grains (DDGs) and E. coli.

The key finding is this report is pretty clear:
"Unlike our previous studies, we found no evidence to indicate that dietary inclusion of distiller’s grains or corn processing methods have a significant effect on the prevalence E. coli O157 or Salmonella in cattle feces."
Apparently, good news doesn't sell papers or more commercials so this new finding isn't getting much attention in the media. Imagine that.

The report was funded by the Kansas Beef Council and the National Cattlemen's Beef Association.

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